First off, yes, you are a sex worker.
Period. End of story.
A Denver Deputy was recently let go due to having an Onlyfans page. Usually, this would make us come out of the woodwork and defend a person but NOT… THIS… TIME!!!
We completely stood behind the ex-deputy until she stated that she was NOT a sex worker. She is a sister, a neighbor, a cousin, etc… but not a sex worker. This is concerning, especially when you consider the job she had was in law enforcement, the very people who arrest two consenting people in consensual transactions. But, let’s let a huge advocate explain it better.
Allie Awesome couldn’t have said it better. We are all sex workers if we work in the sex industry. There is an attempt to separate us from ‘prostitutes’ as if that will save us from the anti-porn lobby. The truth is, we are all interconnected, and prohibition has NEVER worked when it comes to what consenting adults desire to do. Separating us as if someone is better than others hurts us.
There is strength in numbers, and us all unifying under the banner of being sex workers allows people to see us in a different light. It is hard to throw someone in jail/find them guilty if you have a sex worker, sister, cousin, or neighbor. It is hard to vote for laws that will hurt those you love when they are doing nothing wrong. This is exactly what the anti-porn lobby wants, division. Articles like this push the further stigmatization of sex workers and the whore-archy that allows us not to have a strong front.
The deputy did make some great points about how her Onlyfans work doesn’t hamper her ability to do her job but, the whorephobia comments completely dismantle any support or sympathy we can give. It is clear that she feels she can arrest ‘sex workers’ but doesn’t believe she is one. Had she been fighting WITH US and FOR US, we could prevent future occupational discrimination like this from happening. Instead, she is furthering the systemic oppression of our industry.
720762123cookie-checkDenver Deputy Kicked off Onlyfans – Claims She Isn’t A Sex Workerno