Multiple award-winning porn star and fan-favorite Holly Hendrix is making a comeback, and returning back in the front of the cameras this month.
Hendrix has also signed with Society 15 Agency and can be booked now for upcoming shoots.
“I’m very happy and excited to be back, it’s been a while, but I’m ready to get back to filming again, and I know my HollyHolics will love my new scenes,” said Holly Hendrix
Hendrix has won multiple awards, including the 2017 Best New Starlet honor, and has received over 50 award nominations from various organizations like AVN, XBIZ, Inked Awards, Urban X Awards, and the Alt Porn Awards to name just a few.
- You can follow the adorable little Holly Hendrix on Twitter at @hollyhendrix_
6523940cookie-checkHolly Hendrix making a comeback, signs with Society15 @hollyhendrix_no