You’re terminated! In the latest round of idiocy, Phyllisha Anne, the felonious founder and International Secretary of the rudderless International Entertainment Adult Union (IEAU), has published the following screed, which she wrote on behalf of the “mother union” to APAG.

IEAU to APAG: You're Terminated!
“Hasta la vista, APAG!”


In the rambling letter, the unhinged Ms. Anne announces “the termination of our Adult Performers Actors Guild, APAG,” the filing of the termination with the Department of Labor, and the filing of a lawsuit “under [sic] the Supreme Court” against Alana Evans, Ruby and Kelly Pierce, APAG’s “former” President, VP and Secretary, to recover all of APAG’s assets.

At this moment, the International Entertainment Adult Union would like to announce the termination of our Adult Performers Actors Guild, APAG. The IEAU has official filed and terminated APAG with the DOL, as well as filed lawsuit under the Supreme Court against Alana Evans, Ruby and Kelly Pierce, APAG’s former President, VP & Secretary to recover all of APAG’s assets totaling over $210,000.

The board of the IEAU can no longer tolerate under any circumstances, the constant online hatefulness and the [bullying]; that is not what we are about or who we are, that is not the professionalism we want to portray; therefore, the board has decided to pull back and regroup.

The Adult Performers Actors Guild is a trademark entity of the International Entertainment Adult Union therefore, the name will stay with the IEAU, all APAG members at this time will be under the main IEAU membership. Once all that has been done officially, we have retrieved back all assets from APAG officers, we will then regroup and figure out together, how to move forward.

Phyllisha Anne, the founder, states: “I put this union together for the [sole] purpose to help people, and create a [safe] place for workers to be able to come to for guidance and help. There has been so much slanderous talk and bullying; that helps no one, and it takes the focus away of what is important. Right now, we need to pull together as an industry and a union is an entity that can help everyone in this time of need. I was hoping they would all see the good in what they were able to do, but that doesn’t seem to be possible, even though it saddens me, it’s time to say goodbye.”

Elisabeth Thomas, International President states: “We thank all the current officers very much for all the work they have put into this union; however, we wished you would of lead us with a more professional stance [sic] than is currently being projected as the union, and we look forward to establishing the APAG chapter at a later date, once we have had time to step back and regroup.

At this current time, APAG is no longer registered with the Department of Labor under the IEAU. As of March 19, 2020 APAG is now officially terminated, until further notice.


Tell me again why Alana, Ruby, Kelly, et. al. ever got involved with Phyllisha Anne in the first place? And why they stayed involved after she began creating problems — I think they use the word “terrorist” to describe her an have described at length what a shitshow it has always been to be associated with her.

Can you even IMAGINE having ONE meeting or conference call with this nutcase and walking away thinking, “everything will be fine”?!?

Phyllisha is a deranged, washed up tweaker hag . . . but what’s Alana & Co.’s excuse? This was a case of terrible judgment from day one.


UPDATE: Alana Evans does not want to be terminated, and has responded in a statement —

This morning, we were all surprised by the letter received by many in the industry from IEAU, announcing the removal of the Adult Performers Actors Guild as a chapter of IEAU. As we once experienced with Proposition 60, whenever members of APAG refuse to follow the IEAU’s political agenda, we are met with harsh public punish [sic]  from Phyllisha Anne. AB2389 is the latest attempt by IEAU to take control of performers [?] without their involvement. As a union, we have bylaws that both the International Chapter and APAG must follow. 

At this time, our constitutional rights, the LMRDA, and other federal laws are being broken by the officers of IEAU. We will be putting out an official statement this afternoon. What IEAU has “claimed” to have done is illegal and inaccurate. Unions are in place with leadership and members with voting rights. There are laws and safeguards to prevent retaliatory actions such as IEAU’s behavior today.  

562180cookie-checkIEAU to APAG: You’re Terminated!