In February 2019, porn star Mercedes Carrera and her husband Deamon Cins was arrested in February of 2019, on allegations that she sexually assaulted a child who was under 10 years of age.

The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s has since charged the pair with eight counts of sexual acts with a child under the age of 10 and one count of possessing a controlled substance while armed with a handgun, according to the release.

This is not the first case of a female porn star being accused of sexually molesting underage children.  Marsha May was arrested for sexually assaulting three underage girls in 2017.

It’s been almost two years since the original arrest and some people have forgotten the details or weren’t aware of them at all since they are new to the industry. As we approach the anniversary of their arrest, I thought now might be a good time to review the details of the case.

They had a preliminary hearing on August 8th of last year where the prosecutors played an audio of the victim, a nine-year-old child, detailing incidents of sexual contact with both Mercedes Carrera and her husband Daemon Cris.

The child said she was sexually assaulted multiple times over a four-month period.

In addition to the 8 charges of a sexual nature, the police also found meth and two loaded guns at their place of residence.

But let’s review the sexual charges as they are the most abhorrent.

The abuse took the form of “inappropriate touching, oral copulation, and digital penetration.” For those that don’t know, digital penetration means to penetrate the vagina or anus using the fingers.

On Thursday, January 31, 2019, deputies were notified of sexual acts against a minor female victim, which occurred in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. Detectives from Rancho Cucamonga assumed the investigation and conducted an extensive interview with a minor female victim. Detectives learned she was sexually abused several times by, Smith (Mercedes Carrera) and Whitney (Daemon Cris). The sexual abuse consisted of inappropriate touching, oral copulation, and digital penetration, which occurred over four months. 

On Friday, February 1, 2019, detectives served a search warrant at their residence and contacted Smith (Mercedes Carrera) and Whitney (Daemon Cris) in the home. A search of the residence was conducted, and detectives located a large amount of evidence corroborating the victim’s statement. Additionally, detectives located methamphetamine and two loaded handguns in the home.

On the 75-minute audio recording of an interview conducted in January of 2019, by San Bernardino Sheriff’s Deputy Steven Theis, the child describes what she called “cuddle sessions” during which Mercedes Carrera and Daemon Cins repeatedly touched her vagina. The girl also alleged to the deputy that on at least one occasion, one of the pair inserted a finger into her vagina.

Mercedes Carrera has publicly acknowledged that the child making the allegations is her daughter, with her former husband. She and Cins have denied the allegations, and in a public statement, and have said that the accusations come from the child’s father (her ex-husband), whom she calls “a fundamentalist Christian.”  

Last week, my husband and I [were] arrested on charges of molesting my nine-year-old daughter, the absolute worst crime I can imagine. The charges were filed by her father, my ex-partner (a fundamentalist Christian). He is trying to take custody of our child from me. The charges are absolutely false and horrifying, and a last ditch effort to keep me from contact with my daughter for the rest of my life. I am so worried for her. Her life is shattered. Life will never be the same for any of us. We are struggling to make sense of this nightmare. This is a no-bail offense, so we are stuck in jail until we are cleared. We are facing decades in prison and do not even have money for a lawyer. We do not know what to do, but I ask that you all know me for who I am, and know that neither I nor my husband would ever, ever do anything like this to any child, let alone my beloved daughter.

The charges against both Carrera and Cins include 10 counts of sexual penetration/oral copulation with a minor under 10 years of age and one count of sexual intercourse/sodomy with the same child.

What we do know for sure is the couple lived in an apartment where they regularly filmed adult content when the child was present in the home, even if she was in another room, she was in fact present in an APARTMENT while pornographic content was produced.

In addition to that, witnesses who knew the couple have come forward to claim that they were aware of two other male performers who stayed with the couple, often sleeping on their couch, and would film content with them in the apartment – the apartment where the child victim lived.

Mercedes Carrera and Damon Cins were arrested on February 1, 2019, in Rancho Cucamonga, California. They were originally denied bail but eventually, they were granted bail in the amount of $2 million each, which neither has been able to come up with and as a result, they’ve sat behind bars for the last two years awaiting trial.

There have been many delays in scheduled hearings over the last two years, more often than not, as a direct result of Carrerra or Cris’s lawyers.

Their next hearing is scheduled to take place sometime before April.

Are they guilty?

The bleeding hearts will argue that they are guilty because you can’t arrest someone for a crime if there is no evidence. But that just isn’t true. It happens all the time. People make an allegation of a crime and the prosecutor finds that allegation credible, they move forward with the charges and then work to come up with the evidence to prove the charges against them – then they present said evidence during a trial.

So it is very much possible to arrest someone and charge them with a crime without an ample amount of evidence. Like it or not that’s just how our justice system works.

  • Yes, you have the victim’s statement and that is damning.
  • Yes, they found meth and guns present at the location where the child was living. That’s pretty bad but those charges have already been pushed aside. The gun charges were dropped “because the detective who led the raid on the couple’s home today confirmed that the two guns found there were not loaded at the time.” — They are now really just facing the 10 sex charges. 
  • So is there more than just the child’s word? According to investigators, yes. But we won’t know just what that evidence is until the trial. The most shocking allegation was the child’s claim that she had “fisted” her mother, although there was some debate as to what officer Theis was described as “a back and forth motion” and the child’s explanation of what “fisting” was, in the recorded statement.

They film content in the apartment with the child present. That’s messed up, but not evidence of sexual assault.

They allow various male performers to stay over in the apartment and film content with the child present. Again that’s wrong, but not evidence of sexual assault. It’s bad parenting, for sure. But that’s a far cry from raping a child.

Just because they are bad parents and lack good judgment and let’s be real, that’s more than evident – that doesn’t make them rapists.

The only way we can say or not if that happened is to await the trial and see what evidence the prosecutor presents.

Mercedes Carrera’s attorney spoke with reps from AVN and XBIZ and said they haven’t ruled out taking a plea deal, however at the time the prosecutors have not offered one, which could indicate they feel they have enough evidence to convict.



671740cookie-checkPorn Star Arrested On Allegations Of Sexually Assaulting Minor #UPDATED