Porn star and indie content producer Joslyn Jane is the guest on Episode 268 of ‘Danglin’ After Dark‘ podcast, hosted by Dick Dangle.

Joslyn called in via video chat to talk about her introduction to the adult community, her career producing and starring in clips for her online fans, her love of sports, and her favorite eats.

Danglin’ After Dark features grown-up conversations about the world of adult, sexuality and all of the things that make us tick, presented in a manner that is informative, engaging, and — most important — fun!

“Joslyn was a really fun interview!” remarked host Dick Dangle. “Her personality really shines as she talks about her life and career. I can see why her fans are so loyal to her, because she is unforgettable!”

Enjoy the 41-minute “Joslyn Jane: Episode 268” at the Danglin’ After Dark official website or on popular platforms such as Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.

Jane, a 5’ 9” PAWG with natural 34G breasts, who rose to fame as “Officer Jane” on Black Patrol before going on to produce and star in scores of titles across many genres, was interviewed in a March 2020 viral New York Post news story examining the silver lining online sex workers have found as people seek to escape the new reality of the coronavirus pandemic.

Joslyn Jane Guests on Episode 268 of the 'Danglin’ After Dark' Podcast

Joslyn Jane is always busy producing a stream of exclusive never-before-seen content for her online platforms, as well as performing for select studios. Professional producers interested in working with Jane may contact her via [email protected].

As an independent content creator offering exclusive, one-of-a-kind content, Jane listens to her followers’ requests, and enjoys creating a special bond with fans.

Stay up-to-date with all things Joslyn Jane on Twitter: @xxxjoslyn and Instagram: @josjane6996

571630cookie-checkJoslyn Jane Guests on Episode 268 of the ‘Danglin’ After Dark’ Podcast