Let me begin by saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with engaging in sex for money. I’ve stated many times, it should be 100% legal.

That said, there is a time and a place for everything.

Advertising sex for pay while attending your “Fiance’s” funeral is pretty fucking disgusting.

Especially when you spend half your day online talking about how you miss him and his family doesn’t like you and you don’t know why. lol Maybe it’s because your banging strangers for money in the same zip code that the funeral is being held, on the same weekend

Here’s an ad posted by Lexi L’Amour.

That’s weird, there’s no way Alex would hook on the same weekend she’s in town to “bury” her boyfriend.. hmm lets keep reading.


Doubles with Alex Harper? I wasn’t aware Alex played Tennis. Wait a second, let me google doubles escorts.


Doubles doesn’t mean Tennis at all, it’s code for a guy booking 2 chicks at the same time. This can’t be real, maybe Alex isn’t even Kansas City, and this person is just using Alex’s name to increase her booking rate

Well maybe Alex and Lexi didn’t even meet up,  Alex was probably too distraught over the tragic loss of her Fiance of 8 years to engage in the worlds oldest profession.

Is it just your Ole Boy TRPWL, or does it appear that Alex flew to KC to attend her BFs funeral and do a little hooking as well?  What did she steal Alex? A deposit, half your hooking fee? Or did she create a go-fund me and beg and lie to the people for donations, or as I call it, The Alex Harper Grift.

At this point, anything bad that happens to you you deserve.