Young Athena is willing to do almost anything to avoid getting grounded.
Brace faced newcomer Athena May stars as the object of her step-brother’s perverted obsession in DickDrainers’ latest IR fantasy release, available now.

Yep, the old man finally decided to get married. . . to a pretty white lady. She don’t be in my business, she try to be woke, and all that. I kinda like her. What I didn’t know before we had moved across country though was that this lady has a daughter, Athena. And Athena is bad as fuck.
I mean that in two ways: she’s cute as hell, but she also be gettin’ in hella trouble. Always skippin’ school, or arguing with her mom, and I KNOW she’s letting some of these lame high school boys get with her. Lil girl a freak!
We’ve been living together for about a year, and I’ve been watchin’, waiting for the right opportunity to see what’s up with her. And now, last night her mom said that if she went out again she was gonna get grounded for life. And what did I hear after midnight? This bad girl sneaking out of the house. Athena knows that she can’t get caught this time. I know her routine; I know EXACTLY how she’s gonna try to sneak back in the house. And when she comes back…she’s gonna find her step-bro waiting for her. And I know she’s gonna be willing to work something out….
“With her super cute looks, fit body, a beautiful bubble butt and high sexual energy, Athena is the exact type of girl we love to feature on Dickdrainers.com!”, raved DD’s Branden Richards. “This was actually Athena’s second scene with us, but it was so incredible we rearranged our release schedule to get this out ASAP. We’re also happy to feature her very first rimjob on camera! She does it like a pro. You can definitely expect a lot more from her very soon, as she’s already become one of our favorites!”
Athena May echoed her co-star’s praise: “He treats me like a princess and fucks me like a whore,” said May. “I love working for DickDrainers!”

“My Brace Face Step Sister Finally Gets The Punishment She Deserves!”, has a runtime of 48 minutes and is available for streaming and download here.
Follow Athena May on Twitter: @athenamayxxx.
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54615150cookie-checkAthena May is the Brace Face Step-Sister of Your Dreams at DickDrainersno