Brothel advice: Kimberly Kane, award-winning adult film star and licensed sex worker at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel in Carson City, Nevada, shared her tips and tricks about visiting Nevada’s legal brothels in Slate’s ‘How to do it’ sex advice column.
The Q&A column, run by ex-porn star Stoya and journalist Rich Juzwiak, provides real-world sex and relationship advice from nonjudgmental experts.
When a reader inquired about what to expect, and how to act, when visiting a legal Nevada brothel, Stoya tapped brothel-buff Kane to answer their questions.

Kane has had great success working as a legal courtesan in Nevada’s brothels since 2018. Prostitution is currently criminalized in the United States, except in Nevada, where prostitution is legal in the form of regulated brothels located in multiple counties throughout the state.
In the column, Kane advised the reader that the brothel experience doesn’t begin when a customer walks through the bordello doors, but actually starts online as customer and courtesan begin a correspondence.
“When planning a trip to a brothel, it’s best to start your research on the brothel’s website,” Kane wrote. “There is always a robust FAQ page that can answer a lot of your questions about safety and legality. You can also browse the courtesan’s profiles to see which lady would be a good match for you.”
“When emailing a courtesan, be courteous and professional. Give your name, available dates and times, a brief (non-vulgar) description of the party you’d like to have, and your ballpark budget. I always say, pretend you’re writing your chiropractor instead of a sexy lady,” Kane wrote.
Kane adds that professionalism and courtesy go a long way when attempting to book a rendezvous with a licensed Nevada sex worker.
“Nice guys finish first in a brothel. If you send an unprofessional email, you will most likely not get a good response or any response at all.”
Kane also informs the reader that prices at Nevada brothels are not set, and that rates vary widely from sex worker to sex worker, as each courtesan is an independent contractor that sets her own rates for intimate services.
“Every courtesan has her own rates, and if you’re nice, prices are negotiable in-house,” Kane wrote. “Keep in mind that whatever your budget is, the house takes half, so be conscious of that when budgeting your trip.”
Kane revealed that prices at Nevada brothels usually run “mid-four figures for a bespoke experience,” as the trysts offered by featured entertainers like Kane are in considerable demand.
“A brothel is like Disneyland for your genitals, and that level of service should be highly valued,” Kane wrote.
Kane also suggested that legal brothels are ideal destinations for couples yearning to experience their first threesome in a private and hassle-free environment.
“If you and your partner want to experience a three-way without the headache of navigating it in your community, I highly suggest seeing a courtesan,” Kane wrote.
“The most important thing for couples to know when visiting a brothel is to be on the same page with your partner. If one of you doesn’t want to be there, it shows, and it’s going to be a long, awkward ride back into town.”
The Full Slate article can be viewed here: https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/03/friend-cheated-on-her-boyfriend-advice.html
Learn more about Kimberly Kane at her official website Kanearmy.com and via Twitter @KimberlyKane and Instagram: @KKSHOT.
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