Ok, so the latest ‘Porn is Racist’ diatribe has been published over at VICE, entitled, “Black Porn Performers Call For Changes in Adult Industry, Including Cutting Out Agents,” and the laughs come long and hard.

Incidentally, I write this with an acknowledgment that there are indeed important issues concerning race that should be addressed in all areas of entertainment — and indeed in society at large. However, they should be addressed by rational stakeholders not under the sway of teleological, post-modernist Critical Race Theory.

The star of the VICE piece is 43-year old ex-“adult performer Lasha Lane—who is self-described as the original Ebony BBW (Big Beautiful Woman) porn star.”

According to iafd.com she was active from 1998-2001.

To say that she’s not exactly a power player is an understatement.

Also, I can recall reading a certain woke manifesto that said we should stop calling Black people “Ebony” because it fetishizes them. Hmmmm.

From the VICE story:

Rather than focusing on past traumas, the entertainer and her peers wanted to take active steps towards creating a safer and more equitable work environment. Together they enlisted a group of performers, directors, and producers, to advocate for industry-wide changes in sex work and pornography. The group—which includes porn actor Sinnamon Love, producer Shine Louise Houston, and master fetish trainer Jet Setting Jasmine, among others—is calling itself the BIPOC Adult Industry Collective. To date they have over 35 members.

The collective wants Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) voices to lead the shift for more equitable porn. While adamant they want to focus on positives, the group acknowledges that the need for change stems from the industry’s history of discrimination, bigotry, and cultural appropriation.

Okay, for the last time, there is no such thing as cultural appropriation. Culture does not being to anyone. It’s not property, thus it’s not proprietary and cannot be appropriated.

Words mean things.

However, this is my favorite part:

A Huge LOL in the Latest 'Porn is Racist' Story at VICE

Sorry to inform you, Ms. Lane, but central Casting is for EXTRAS, not actors. Professional actors/musicians/dancers/comics have agents and managers.

And lastly, there’s this gem:

When thinking about what BIPOC-supported companies might look like Lane listed off several ideas.

“Putting our power and resources around awards shows with a real history of diversity and inclusion like Urban X. . . .”

LOL Urban X.


Urban X Awards Names Host Who Refuses To Do IR!


Alexander DeVoe is Full of Sh!t and @urbanXawards is Racist by His Own Standard #BlackLivesMatter


592231cookie-checkHuge LOLs in the Latest ‘Porn is Racist’ Story at VICE