Nobody it seems has heard from Raven Bay in a while and her phone is disconnected as well. Family members and close friends say they haven’t heard from her in months either.

So a close friend of hers recently posted a message, concerned for Raven Bay’s safety.

If you have any information about Raven Bay’s whereabouts tweet at her friend @BrookeFetish_ and let her know.

Raven Bay hasn’t tweeted in over a year. She hasn’t posted on Instagram for the last 25 weeks. She hasn’t logged onto her OnlyFans account since October 2, 2020. Those who have her number have called and found the # to no longer be in service.

The family is trying to find her. They asked the phone company to ping the phone for the last location.  They did get some information but nothing that has helped. Brooke Fetish says they were friends since childhood. They grew up together and were very close.

Do you know anything? If so please let her family know she’s at least okay.


67347905cookie-checkDid something happen to porn star Raven Bay? @RavenBayXXX