Adult performer Macy Meadows is recovering after undergoing an almost 5-hour brain surgery in March to remove a cyst that had split into two.

Macy Meadows

Macy Meadows was in Florida doing shoot when it all went wrong.

After she finished the shoot, she was on the way back to her hotel when she felt dizzy. She asked her driver to pull over as she went to the bathroom, but she never came out. So after a while, they came to find her, but she wasn’t able to get up.
He carried her to the car and on the way to find a hospital they came across a fire station. They pulled in and the fireman recognized the signs right away, put her in the ambulance, and rushed her to the hospital where she underwent a nearly 5-hour surgery on her brain to remove the cyst.
By the time she had left the shoot until the time she got to the hospital, she lost her ability to walk, talk, and then finally her eyesight had given way.
She spent a few days in ICU and then began the long process of recovery.
It’s been a few months and she’s doing much better now.
Recently she posted this message to her fans …
I may be down, but I’ll assure you, IM NOT OUT. I’ll be back better than ever. Get the towels and mops ready on set.
In fact, she even made a trip to Florida this week, marking her return to performing.
Macy Meadows
You can follow Macy Meadows on Twitter at @macymeadowsx to follow her progress and keep up with her career.

685041cookie-checkMacy Meadows … On The Road To Recovery @macymeadowsx