Troubled performer Leah Winters has her entire profile and all content removed from PornHub. We are unsure if this is in response to her posting a video to her OnlyFans where she was having sex with a male performer while her 4-year-old daughter watched.
Kudos to Pornhub for taking a stand against this kind of abusive behavior.
When you visit Pornhub today you not only don’t find any of their videos, you also see their entire profiles have been removed!
Now that’s what I call taking a stand against abuse.
Sadly OnlyFans doesn’t seem to have taken the same stands against abuse, as we notice Jack Rippher is still posting to his OnlyFans account daily, the same with Leah Winters. In fact, I checked her account as of today and noticed it is still active. They claimed to have temporarily locked their accounts for compliance violations but OnlyFans was quick to return full access to both of their accounts.
This is no okay. They posted a video of them having sex while a 4-year-old child watch. You can read more about what happened here.
694691083cookie-checkLeah Winters and Jack Rippher Removed from PornHubno