For a great many in the age of social media, watching a beautiful woman expose or flash private parts of her anatomy publicly may be a thrilling and an exciting moment in time. Sadly for Russian Porn star Rita Fox, this caught the attention of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Apparently, Vladimir did not take kindly to Rita Flashing her gorgeous private parts at the Kremlin, where he calls home.
The attractive porn star was charged with disorderly conduct and sentenced to 14 days in jail.
The Kremlin has issued mild justice to the latest of flashers, untill now, There been a string of teens exposing themselves as of late.
The Russian Government is currently investigating several others for simular violations
Most violaters has only been on the recieving end of a slapped on the wrist, with one teen who recieved 3 days jail time. Well Rita Fox has taken this to a while next level antics, the response she recieved was more than the Kremlin doubleing down on imposing 14 days. Let shope the cute Rita has learned her lesson. She should try this in the woods and just dial up Porno Dan over in Hungary and get on a set.
7101260cookie-checkPorn Star Rita Fox Jailed for flashing nude publicly at the Kremlin, home of Vladimir Putinno